"Christmas Program" held by Pastor Irfan Ashraf from Multan. Holy Sanctuary Ministry. Dec.19, 2021

"Christmas Program" held by Pastor Irfan Ashraf from Multan. Holy Sanctuary Ministry. Dec.19, 2021

Praise The Lord Amen Jai Masih ki In this video we have shared pictures of Christmas Program which was held by Pastor Irfan Ashraf from Multan. Holy Sanctuary Ministry. is working for women and children. I am Nasreen Akhtar an Evangelist and founder of the Holy Sanctuary Ministry #HolySanctuaryMinistry #Life #Prayer #HolySpirit #Jesus #HolySanctuaryMinistryCanada #JesusIsLife Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holysanctua... Facebook:   / holysanctuaryministries   LinkedIn:   / nasreen-akhtar-410028188   Holy sanctuary Ministry is sharing word of God daily. Our "Daily Bread" program is continue daily. We invite our brothers and sisters who want to share word of God. Please join our prayer meeting. You can send us daily prayer requests by using this contact no. Our ministry is working for the women and children. Our moto is to spread the truths of the Holy Bible. #christmasprogram #christmas #bible #church #holysanctuaryministry