[Business Korean]한국어#오피스한국어#비지니스한국어#소개하기#자기소개#반갑습니다#앉으세요♥미생#shorts

[Business Korean]한국어#오피스한국어#비지니스한국어#소개하기#자기소개#반갑습니다#앉으세요♥미생#shorts

1) When start on meeting, we usually say 반갑습니다 ( Nice meet you) or 안녕하세요 2) In Korean Culture, when someone who is higher social position, come in, we stand up slightly that's why she said "앉으세요 (please Sit down) " 3) How to introduce in office, [I am the one who [ Department + Name + Position]입니다/이에요 ] 저는 오늘 신입사원 직무 교육을 담당하는 영업1팀 선재우 차장입니다 We follow this rule, Department + Name + Position in office