Meet the Epic Voice Behind Movie Trailers

Meet the Epic Voice Behind Movie Trailers

You’ve probably never seen his face, but you’d know his deep, soulful, booming bass tone anywhere. With over 1,000 movie trailers under his belt, Chuck Fresh is the voice behind many of your favorite blockbuster hits. He’s also been featured on the Discovery Channel, Food TV, and Sirius XM Radio. His talents were first discovered as a teen goofing off over the intercom in a New Jersey Walmart. Today, he’s working alongside the likes of JJ Abrams. In this short video, Fresh spoofs the famous epic movie trailer voices from "The Comedian." He does impersonations of legendary movie trailer voices Don LaFontaine, Mark Elliott, John Leader, and Hal Douglas. Get your own personalized movie trailer voice on Fiverr here: #movietrailers #movietrailervoice #movietrailer