Omega Healthcare Advisors Stock pick of the day #investment #passiveincome #stockmarket #investing
Welcome everyone to Vested Interest. This is Shane in today's video we will cover The Stock Pick of the day Omega Healthcare Investors ticker OHI. With the recent pullback, it may be a great time to pick up stocks on sale, increase that dividend yield and future returns. My best advice in good times or bad is to have a diversified portfolio, investing in good growing companies, that pay dividends, with positive cash flow to cover the dividend. Companies with high earnings yield, a high rate of return on capital and don't overpay for them. Don't chase hype stocks and look to get rich overnight, this is a long-term investment strategy, to invest in any market or economic conditions. Long-term investing not day trading. I have nothing to sell, no Patrion, no courses to buy. You can see everything I'm buying, selling and how my dividend portfolio is doing weekly on this channel for free. If you would like to help me out hit that thumbs up, ring the notification bell and most importantly Subscribe to the channel. The thanks button down below is available if you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee. This is Shane signing off wishing Peace and Prosperity to you and yours and remember financial security comes to those who take a VESTED INTEREST. See you next time. Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor