Best Reactions to "Sarah Meets Good Terminator for First Time" | Terminator 2 (1991)
#terminatot2 #arnold #sarahconnor #movie #bestreaction #firsttimewatching #moviereaction Best "Sarah Meets Good Terminator for First Time" Reactions from Terminator 2! Hope you enjoy the reaction compilation. The creators of these reactions are listed below so please make sure to watch their full reactions and subscribe to their channels. 0:04 CinePals • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991) Mov... 1:02 ANGELINA • I Was Not Prepared For The Terminator... 1:29 The Cocoa Couch • *BEST SEQUEL EVER MADE!!* Terminator ... 2:18 Asian Angels • Asian Girls React | Terminator 2: Jud... 3:31 Reel Rejects • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991) MOV... 4:30 Criminal Content • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991) Mov... 5:32 Cristy Reacts • Finally watched TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMEN... 6:15 Sam & Tristan • Terminator 2: Judgment Day REACTION (... 7:19 The Media Knights • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991) MOV... 8:16 Syntell • Is This the Perfect Sequel? – TERMINA... 9:23 ScreenJam • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY - EMOTIONA... 10:24 Movies With Miranda • THE TERMINATOR 2 JUDGMENT DAY IS NOW ... 11:02 Natalie Gold • ok, I get the hype now...*TERMINATOR ... 11:45 TnD Multiverse • FIRST TIME WATCHING TERMINATOR 2: JUD... 12:39 Popcorn in Bed • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY (1991) | ... 13:16 Run To The Movies • In Love with TERMINATOR 2 ! * MOVIE R... 14:08 Jyn x Ryl • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991) | F... 15:14 Ambybambiboo • Terminator 2: Judgment Day | Reaction...