학교종이 땡땡땡 (The School Bell Rings Ding Dong Ding) - boomwhackers version

학교종이 땡땡땡 (The School Bell Rings Ding Dong Ding) - boomwhackers version

[붐붐노리] 학교종이 땡땡땡 (The School Bell Rings Ding Dong Ding) - boomwhackersversion 따뜻한 봄바람과 함께 새학기가 찾아왔습니다 설레는 마음 가득담아 “ 학교종이 땡땡땡 “ 색깔 애니메이션을 준비해보았어요! 신나는 학교생활을 기대하며 함께 연주해보아요^^ 음계 : 도, 레, 미, 솔, 라 "With the warm spring breeze, the new semester has just begun With an excitement, we've prepared a playalong of the nursery rhyme 'The School Bell Rings Ding Dong Ding' Let's play together looking forward to an exciting school life!! Notes: C, D, E, G, A Instagram /