WWE 2k24 I Main Event Ep. 44 I Damage CTRL vs. Katana & Kayden I Gameplay
WWE 2k24 I Universe Mode I Main Event Ep. 44 I Gameplay WWE 2k24 I Universe Mode - • WWE 2k24 I Main Event Ep. 43 I WWE Wo... TNC Sports Talk YouTube Channel - / @tncsportstalk2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two on Two: Normal Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky vs. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter (Bayley is at ringside during the match.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like, Share, & Subscribe for more content. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #wwe #wwe2k24 #wwe2k24gameplay #wwe2k24universemode #wwemainevent #wrestling #sportsentertainment #simulation #cpuvscpu