Tuesday Morning Mass. Tuesday of the 5th week in Ordinary Time (Feb 11th). Rathfarnham, Dublin.
Tuesday Morning Mass. 11th of February, Tuesday of the 5th week in Ordinary Time, The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Optional Memorial, Live Stream of Mass from Rathfarnham Parish, Church of the Annunciation. Live Masses, Rosaries, Venerations, Monastic Offices and Vatican events from Ireland and the World https://rathfarnhamparish.ie/catholic... Today in Rathfarnham Parish and the Catholic World (incl. News, Readings and video of Gospel) https://rathfarnhamparish.ie/today-ra... The Eucharist: https://rathfarnhamparish.ie/eucharis... Confession: https://rathfarnhamparish.ie/reconcil... Marriage: https://rathfarnhamparish.ie/sacramen... (When our Daily Mass is a Funeral Celebration it will not appear here unless requested by the family)