The "White Men Can't Jump" remake is a living nightmare. | Movie Review by The Bluff Council

The "White Men Can't Jump" remake is a living nightmare. | Movie Review by The Bluff Council

This movie might be what breaks us. Starring Jack Harlow and Sinqua Walls. Directed by Calmatic. 00:00 - Intro / Hanging on by a thread 00:50 - What Ev thought 02:16 - What Keith thought 04:00 - Should this movie get some slack since most mainstream movies aren't great now? 06:14 - Why is this even called a "remake?" 07:24 - The original "White Men Can't Jump" (1992) is incredible 08:45 - 22-year-old kids with bad taste who aren't really paying attention probably think this movie is great, and that's good enough 09:16 - Jack Harlow is put in a position to succeed. Does he? 13:57 - The shameless backgrounding of two great female characters 15:24 - Had no one ever seen the original or do they just hate it? 18:08 - The one part that was funny 19:06 - Jack Harlow's "acting" 22:12 - The entire heart and soul of the original has been torn out 24:37 - Does anyone in this movie actually love basketball? 25:36 - The basketball sequences are not great and edited terribly 28:17 - The low point of low points: Harlow's sucker punch is... character development...? 34:00 - More really stupid moments 37:04 - What is Harlow's injury exactly 37:50 - The comedy is not funny For more movie reviews, film reviews, film analysis, film discussions, White Men Can't Jump reactions, White Men Can't Jump reviews, White Men Can't Jump 2023 reactions, and more, please consider subscribing to our channel. Thank you so much for watching. #WhiteMenCantJump #JackHarlow #WhiteMenCantJump2023