3/16/2022 Lent Continues: MidWeek Service: Baptism

3/16/2022 Lent Continues: MidWeek Service: Baptism

3/16/2022 Lent Continues: MidWeek Service Baptism Live-In-Person Worship at: 10:30 each Sunday Mid-Week Lent at 6pm 7595 Center Pkwy Sacramento, California 95823-3755 https://slelca.org The St Luke’s Sacramento website is: https://slelca.org The Sacramento Youth Band YouTube Channel is:    / @sacramentoyouthband6215   The St Luke Sacramento YouTube page is:    • 4/18/21 Third Sunday of Easter: Luke ...   Be sure to share, comment, follow, subscribe and like. To receive a Bulletin via eMail contact the office at [email protected] To join Tuesday Morning Bible study on Zoom send an email to: [email protected] To support the Ministries of St Luke’s Lutheran Sacramento/Elk Grove see the website: https://slelca.org or mail a check to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church 7595 Center Pkwy Sacramento, California 95823-37554