Psalms Chapters 113 - 115: Bible Study for Atheists

Psalms Chapters 113 - 115: Bible Study for Atheists

Husband and Wife cover Psalms 113 - 115 Psalm 113: Praise for Exalting the Humble. Starts, "Praise ye the Lord, O ye servants of the Lord." This is the first of the six psalms comprising the Hallel, a Jewish prayer of praise and thanksgiving. Psalm 114: The Wonders of the Exodus. Starts, "When Israel went out of Egypt." This psalm is used as a reading at Christian burial services, and also in ministry to those who are dying. Please do not read this on either of our deathbeds! Psalm 115: God and the Idols. Starts, "Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory." This psalm was behind the motivation to create Earth Day, but it also provides the motto of the Knights Templar, so that kinda cancels itself out. Join us on DISCORD:   / discord   Skip the ads by joining Acast+ Thank you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Help support us by subscribing on Patreon:   / sacrilegiousdiscourse