신현근 박사: 위니컷의 안아주기와 비온의 담아주기 1
Winnicott's holding and Bion's containment 1 위니컷의 안아주기와 비온의 담아주기 1 To a large extent the successful (and therapeutic) management of countertransference in the treatment of borderline patients de pends on two functions-holding and containment Holding is a term that derives from Winnicott's (1965) notion that a mother provides a specific form of environment that facilitates an infant's growth Through interactions between a mother and her infant, a shared transitional space is created in which the infant ultimately internalizes holding functions performed by the mother The term containment stems from Bion's (1984) description of how the mother processes the affects of her infant The mother bears the uncontainable affects of her baby, and through her reverie, she de toxifies and transforms the affects into a form that allows the infant to reintroject and tolerate them In Ogden's (1982) formulation of projective identification discussed in Chapter 1, the processing" in the third step approximates what Bion referred to as containment (Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M , 2000, p 75) ▶영어 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M (2000) Management of countertransference with borderline patients New York: A Jason Aronson Book ▶한글 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M 지음 한재현과 양미래 옮김 (2020) 역전이와 경계선 환자의 치료 서울: 학지사 ▶클래스유 - CLASSU: "정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: