Vendor Booth Display Ideas - Craft Booth Review Ep. 29
The Craft Fair Booth Review Series continues with Episode 29, featuring Yola and her business Suikerbekkie, based in South Africa. Yola is new to craft fairs, but an experienced artisan who makes crystal soaps, bath salts and other bath & body products. In this exciting episode, we discuss some of the unique challenges vendors face in South Africa, including how to safeguard against shoplifting and how to maximize booth space when the size of the layout is limited. Check out the entire Craft Booth Review Playlist here: • Craft Fair Booth Reviews - Display Id... Suikerbekkie: Website: https://sbekkie.co.za Facebook: / www.sbekkie.co.za Instagram: / suikerbekkie_ How to Craft Fair: Website: https://howtocraftfair.com TikTok: / howtocraftfair Facebook: / howtocraftfair My Shop: https://how-to-craft-fair.myspreadsho... Etsy: https://howtocraftfair.etsy.com #crafts #crafty #craftfair