Beginner Guitar Lesson: 4 Easy Chords and 4 Easy Songs
Thanks for tuning in to All About Guitar Academy here at YouTube! In this Beginner Guitar Lesson, Bob demonstrates how to play 4 EASY TWO FINGER GUITAR CHORDS that you can apply to thousands of songs! These chords are two finger simplified versions of E, C, D, G and can be used to play songs like: Let It Be, Save Tonight, More Love More Power, and Sweet Home Alabama! Bob will show how to create these 4 EASY GUITAR CHORDS chords and use them in those 4 songs, so that you can quickly get off to a FAST START on your Guitar Journey! Get UNLIMITED ACCESS to my online FAST TRACK GUITAR Course here: https://learnallaboutguitar.com/fastt... We hope you enjoy the video and if so, please remember to like, subscribe, and share with your guitar friends. Thank you for supporting the channel! You can get my FREE eBook - Fast Track Guitar right here: https://allaboutguitaracademy.com Buy Me A Coffee (thank you!): https://buymeacoffee.com/bobstrom Tip Jar (thank you!): https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted... Click my paid affiliate link to shop for guitar gear at Sweetwater here: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/3e4N2r Guitars that we use everyday: Gibson Les Paul Standard: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/vNRDrA Epiphone Alex Lifeson Custom Les Paul Axcess: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/vNodaO Eric Clapton Signature Fender Stratocaster: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/da1yAQ Fender Stratocasters: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/KjnBAa Martin D-13e Zaricote Acoustic Electric Guitar: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/KjnBAa Seagull Acoustic Guitars: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/xk4J3k Taylor 113ce Acoustic Electric Guitar: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/eKVnMg Amplifiers I use: Marshall DSL40CR Tube Amplifier: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/eKVnMg Line 6 Amplifiers: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/xk4J3O Blackstar amplifiers: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/QymYrz (I use the Core V3 Stereo 10 amp for practice and in many of my videos) All About Guitar Academy is a happy customer and affiliate for Sweetwater Sound. For more information on my current gear, click my affiliate links above. I do get paid a commission from Sweetwater if you make a purchase and it helps me to keep this channel going on YouTube. Stay tuned for more! #allaboutguitaracademy #learnguitarfast #beginnerguitartutorial #beginnerguitartips #guitarist #basicguitartutorial #guitarmastery #fasttrackguitar #guitarover40 #guitarafter40 #guitarover50 #guitarafter50 #guitarover60 #guitarafter60