Classical Musicians React: NewJeans 'OMG' vs 'Ditto'

Classical Musicians React: NewJeans 'OMG' vs 'Ditto'

Welcome to the 13th reaction video of Season 6 of this series: Classical Musicians React to NewJeans' 'OMG' & 'Ditto' MVs. ▶️ Watch OMG:    • NewJeans (뉴진스) 'OMG' Official MV   ▶️ Watch Ditto:    • NewJeans (뉴진스) 'Ditto' Official MV (s...   ❤️ Gain access to our UNCUT reactions to this song and support us in creating more content here:   / reacttothek   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C&JMR Reaction Release Schedule (and list of Patreon exclusive videos): Songs that are currently being voted on or waiting to be voted on by our musician voting panel (or votes are tied):    • Not so sure list   Will not react to list: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Channel IG:   / reacttothek_official   ~Channel Twitter:   / reacttothek   ~Channel Tumblr:   / reacttothek   ~Channel Facebook:   / reacttothek   ~Join our discord! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro script, filming and video edited by Umu (Twitter:   / umucado  ) Intro design by Alex Chen (website: Thumbnail by Nozomi Murayama (IG:   / nonchanyuzuru  ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the ReacttotheK squad and keep up-to-date with our lives: 🎵 Will + Jory (Bourbon Chai.): Will IG:   / willcasacelimusic   Jory IG:   / jory.lane   Band IG:   / bourbonchaimusic   Band Spotify: 🎵 Jason:   / jason_gluck   🎵 Brian   / thebrianstewart   🎵 Ju Young: IG:   / claryinet   IG #2:   / yihehee   🎵 Ali   / pipepractice   🎵 Kevin: Twitter:   / nerdymusicks   YouTube:    / @nerdymusicks5381   IG: 🎵 Kayla   / kaylas50   🎵 Adam   / adam.catangui   🎵 Kayla Rae   / kaylaraestein   🎵 Jacob   / jacobahunter   🎵 Stephanie:   / saxy_stephy   🎵 Leon:   / leonhsuin123   🎵 Rachel:   / rachelkr1560   🎵 Liam:   / liammc12345   0:00 OMG introduction 1:29 OMG MV reaction 8:08 MV/song message 10:36 Why this song works 12:05 Percussion 13:42 Ditto introduction 14:32 Ditto MV reaction 10:18 Nervous energy of the track 22:08 MV mesage 23:18 NewJeans' sound 24:05 Ditto's bittersweet loneliness 27:27 Comparing OMG vs Ditto 28:57 Up Next! 29:05 The Kim Joo-hun effect