How To Get ABS in 30 Days ? (Best Diet Plan and Exercises To Lose Belly Fat)

How To Get ABS in 30 Days ? (Best Diet Plan and Exercises To Lose Belly Fat)

How To Get Abs in 30 Days and Lose Belly Fat Fast ? Download FITMUSK from Playstore or Apple Store or visit for more details ! Download FITMUSK App 1. Playstore Link: 2. Apple Store Link: Links to My Youtube Videos of Weight gain and fat loss: How To Gain Weight Fast : How To Lose Fat Fast : Follow the EXTREME SHRED PLAN on FITMUSK and Start Transforming Today! Recommended Brands for Supplements: •⁠ ⁠Creatine Monohydrate: •⁠ ⁠Magnesium: •⁠ ⁠Zinc: •⁠ ⁠Vitamin C: •⁠ ⁠Ashwagandha: •⁠ ⁠Multivitamins: •⁠ ⁠Omega 3: How To Lose 10 Kg Fat Fast VIDEO :    • Fastest Way To LOSE 10 Kg (FREE Diet ...   Getting six pack abs is the dream of most people but very few actually achieve it. The secret? It’s not just about doing 1000 crunches a day or starving yourself. To actually build abs and lose that belly fat, you need the RIGHT guidance, the RIGHT diet, and the RIGHT workout plan. In this video, I’m sharing everything you need to know to get six pack abs in just 30 days! We will cover: 1. How long does it ACTUALLY takes to see abs? 2. The best diet plan to lose belly fat. 3. A killer workout routine to train your abs the right way. 4 The one secret that will help you keep your abs all year-round. First question for you who do you think has the best abs in Bollywood? Ranveer Singh, Hrithik Roshan, Shahrukh Khan or Tiger Shroff? For me, Hrithik has the best abs—they perfectly complement his physique. Let me know in the comments who you think has the best abs! How Long Does It Take to See Abs? This depends on 5 major factors: 1.Current Body Fat Percentage – If you’re at: • 20% body fat: You need 6–7 months to see your abs. • 15% body fat: It’ll take about 3–4 months. • 12% body fat: You’re very close. Just 1–2 months of consistency and your abs will pop. But, if your body fat is around 25–30%, it might take 10–18 months to see results. Be realistic! How to check your body fat? Instead of complicated machines, just look in the mirror. Compare yourself to an online body fat chart, and you’ll get a rough estimate. 2. Metabolism and Genetics – Some people lose fat faster due to high metabolism. Others take more time because of slower genetics. You can’t control this, but don’t compare yourself with others. 3. Workout and Diet Plan – The right plan is key! More on this below. 4. Core Training – You NEED to train your abs properly, just like any other muscle group. 5. Mindset – The most underrated factor. Without the right mindset, you won’t stick to your plan long enough to see results. Diet Plan for Abs To reveal your abs, you need to lower your body fat percentage with a calorie deficit diet. The best strategy? A semi-keto diet with carb backloading: • Eat most of your carbs after your workout. • Keep your other meals high in protein and fats. How to calculate your calories? Multiply your weight in kg by 21. For example, if you weigh 80 kg: • 80 x 21 = 1,680 calories/day. Macronutrient Breakdown: • Protein: 2g per kg of body weight (80 kg x 2 = 160g protein = 640 calories). • Fats: 1g per kg of body weight (80g fats = 720 calories). • Carbs: Whatever is left after protein and fats (320 calories = 80g carbs). Follow this simple formula, and you’ll lose fat fast while keeping your muscles intact. Best Abs Workout Training your abs is essential for getting that shredded, defined look. Your core has 3 parts: 1. Upper Abs: Crunches, machine crunches, rope crunches. 2. Lower Abs: Hanging leg raises, reverse crunches. 3. Obliques: Russian twists, side planks, woodchoppers. Workout Plan for Abs: • Train abs 2–3 times per week. • Include 1 exercise for each core area. • Perform 2–3 sets of 10–15 reps. • Rest 20–30 seconds between sets. For faster results, try circuit training: Perform all abs exercises back-to-back with minimal rest. This keeps your workouts interesting and burns more calories. The Secret to Building Abs: Mindset Getting abs isn’t just about training and eating right. It’s about having the discipline to stick to your plan even when you feel like giving up. You’ll have cravings. You’ll feel tired. You might even want to quit. But remember: if it was easy, everyone would have abs. The only thing standing between you and your six pack is your mindset. Stay consistent, stay disciplined, and the results will come. Let’s transform together. Keep going. Keep growing. Timecodes: 00:00 Introduction 01:56 1. Current Body Fat Percentage 03:06 2. Metabolism and Genetics 03:32 3. Workout and Diet Plan 04:42 4. Abs Workout 06:55 5. Surprise