Sanctuary Worship - July 16, 2023 - 11am  #FPCSTPETE  #JesusChrist

Sanctuary Worship - July 16, 2023 - 11am #FPCSTPETE #JesusChrist

Join Us for Worship! FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA Music Reprinted/Streamed With Permission ONE License #A-740485 & CCLI# 1688652 Streaming# 200301 CVLI#504350126 #fpcstpete #PCUSA #Worship #jesus FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA ORDER OF WORSHIP – JULY 16, 2023 – 11 A.M. SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST REV. GINNY ELLIS Prelude: “O Waly Waly” (hymn tune 847), Emma Lou Diemer (b. 1927) - Jack Rain, organ Welcome and Announcements Minute for Mission – Backpack Project - Melody Proud Call to Worship - Ginny Ellis Singing of Hymns #43: “You Who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord” ON EAGLE’S WINGS #819: “Be Still, My Soul” FINLANDIA Morning Prayer and Lighting of the Peace Candle - Ginny Elis Moment for All Ages - Ginny Ellis Special Music: Concerto for Oboe in C minor: I. Allegro moderato, Benedetto Marcello (1686–1739) - Amy Collins, oboe Prayer for Illumination - Jim Garnett First Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23, Psalm 126 - Jim Garnett Sermon Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9 - Ginny Ellis Sermon: “The Gift of Joy” - Ginny Ellis Time of Response - Ginny Ellis Response as led by the Preacher Presentation of our Gifts Passing of the Peace Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH Closing Hymn #134: “Joy to the World” ANTIOCH Charge & Benediction - Ginny Postlude: “Psalm XIX,” Benedetto Marcello (1686–1739) - Jack Rain, organ