Learn the ABC's with CeCe! The ABC Song & Phonics Song I Toddler Learning Videos I Toddler Channel
Learn the ABC Song and CeCe's Phonics song for babies and toddlers in this fun and interactive learning video with YouTube's favorite teacher, CeCe! Our videos encourage active participation, as letters make sounds, and your child will learn and practice saying them in this video. We prioritize speech practice and language learning in every It's CeCe video. We invite you to become a part of our growing community by subscribing to our It's CeCe channel! We release new educational videos for one to four year olds weekly. Our speech videos have caught the attention of parents, teachers, and speech therapists. Our videos for babies are intentionally paced for little minds and attention spans, ensuring they are perfect for your baby's age. They will have your baby practicing first words and sentences. Our videos for toddlers and preschoolers will have your family learning phonics, numbers, and other preschool readiness skills. Join us and be part of a community that is passionate about early childhood education! Subscribe now and join our fun community of parents, teachers, and caregivers who are all about early childhood education! All of our baby and toddler videos are written by real teachers, and our team of moms is not just passionate, but deeply dedicated to bringing high quality content to YouTube. We love 1 to 4 year-olds and only release content we would let our own children watch. #itscece, #LearningResources, #toddlerchannels, #learnphonics, #videosforbabies, #videosfortoddlers, #speechdelayvideos, #learntotalk, #learnshapes, #videosfor1yearolds, #videosfortwoyearolds, #learningvideosforkids, #learnshapesfortoddlers, #missrachelphonics, #missrachelabc #toddlerspeechpractice, #likemissrachel, #channelslikemissrachel, #toddlermom, #theABCsong , #phonicssong, #itscecetoddler, #learnabc's, #learnthealphabet, #kidsabcsong