SLU Online ‖ Crossroads New Life Evangelistic Series ‖ 28.5.2022

SLU Online ‖ Crossroads New Life Evangelistic Series ‖ 28.5.2022

#SLUOnline #SaintLuciaMission #SabbathWorshipExperience Welcome to our Sabbath Worship Experience. Today, we join with the Northeastern District for their Crossroads New Life Evangelistic Series live at the Bethany SDA Church. Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord is God, It is He Who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. CONNECT WITH US: With the above link, you can do one or all of the following: • Submit your prayer request • Make a decision to follow Jesus • Ask your Bible questions • Donate online • Join 4:30am Prayer Service • Follow us on Facebook • Visit our website • Contact us DONATE ONLINE: To make a donation or to remit your tithe, offerings or other special gifts via debit/credit card, please click the following link. We thank you for your sacrificial gift. Donate: We would be happy if you would like & subscribe to our channel, and share with a friend. Also, click the bell icon to be notified whenever we are live, or post new content. OTHER INQUIRIES: If you have any inquiries, we can reach us at #SabbathWorship #AdventistChurch #evangelism #virtualevangelism #TheGospel #ThreeAngelsMessage