MENSTRUAL CYCLE #anatomy #health #medical #life #humanbody #human
The menstrual Cycle It is a series of natural changes in hormones and female reproductive system preparing for pregnancy. It is normally around 28 days cycle. It comprises ovarian and uterine cycle governed by the female reproductive hormones; estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH etc. The ovarian cycle consists of follicular, Ovulatory and luteal phases. The uterine cycle consists of menstrual secretory phases. proliferative and At puberty, the brain produces GnRH hormone that causes the pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH. They stimulate the ovaries for cyclical production of female sex hormones; estrogen and progesterone. Then the child's body transforms to mature into adult's body capable of sexual reproduction. The first menstrual period is called Menache occurs at around the age of 12 years and continues for about 30-45 years. Between the age of 45-55, the menstrual cycle stops and it is called Menopause.