A Financial Stability Rule you MUST KNOW - Rule Of 12:20:80 | Stable Money #emergencyfunds

A Financial Stability Rule you MUST KNOW - Rule Of 12:20:80 | Stable Money #emergencyfunds

Download Stable Money: https://stablemoney.app.link/9DT760LUWIb In this video I share, a Financial Stability Rule you MUST KNOW the Rule Of 12:20:80 If you want to be immune of financial shocks, you must develope financial immunity and this rule of 12:20:80 can help you achieve financia stability. Investing in stocks, mutual funds, gold and many other assets is very important for long term investing but is there something before investing that we need to consider for financial stability? That's what I discuss in this video. ------------------------------------------------------------------- My Hindi Channel Link: / @rahuljainhindi Please do not take this video as a stock recommendations and do your own research. Rahul Jain is NOT a SEBI registered investment advisor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am also available on: 💥Email: [email protected] 💥 Insta: / torahulj 💥 LinkedIn: / connectwithrahuljain 💥 Twitter: / torahulj --------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Stock Videos from Pixabay, Pexels and Envato elements Logos: Wikipedia Commons and Pngtree Stock Music from YouTube creative library Video Editing by: Shreyas Chaulkar #investing #viralvideo #rahuljainfinance #rahuljain #rahuljainfinance #investingforbeginners #stablemoney #stable #fd #stablemoneyapp #fixeddeposit #FD #Stablemoney #StableMoneyApp #StableMoneyFD #FDfromSM #StableMoneyFDbanks #FDbookingFromStableMoney #stablemoneyappreview #howtobookfixeddepositinstablemoney #fixedincome #fixedreturn #earnmoney #stablemoneyfd #bestfixeddeposit #bestfd Stable Money : Must Watch before investing - Safe or Risky - FD withdrawal - Stable Money App review Stable Money Account Opening | Stable Money App Review | Stable Money Safe or Not | Stable Money How To Book Fixed Deposit In Stable Money | How To Use Stable Money | Stable Money Me FD Kaise Karen | stable money app review | stable money | stable money app | stable money fd | is stable money app safe | stable money fd withdrawal | stable money review | how to use stable money app | how to book fd in stable money | stable money withdrawal | stable money refer and earn | how to invest in stable money app | how to withdraw money from stable money | stable money fd booking | stable money app safe or not | stable money safe or not | how to break fd in stable money | stable money app fd review | Stable Money live fd booking and withdrawal | Stable Money App kya hai | Stable Money App kaise use kare | Stable Money App se fd kaise kare | how to open fd in stable money | stable money invest in fd | earn 9.10 interest from stable money | earn 9.5 interest from stable money | fixed term deposit from stable money | fd booking from stable money is safe or not | stable money partner small finance banks and NBFCs are safe or not | stable money DICGC policy of bank | Highest FD Interest Rate App | Stable money app ko use kaise kare | Stable money me fixed deposit kaise | How To Book Fixed Deposit In Stable Money | How To Use Stable Money | Stable Money Me FD Kaise Karen | Stable money app review | Stable money app me fd kaise kare | Stable money fd booking process | Stable money app | Stable money app fd | Is Stable money safe |Stable money app fd rate | Stable money app full information | stable money app honest review | saurabh jain stable money | Stable money app kya hai | best fixed deposit | best fd in india | best app for fixed deposit | fd | all bank interest rate | all bank interest rate 2024 | bank new interest rate | interest rate 2023 | bank new interest rate 2024 | all bank latest interest rate | fixed deposit |interest Rate | new fixed deposit interest Rate | fd interest Rate | FD Interest Rates 2024 | Best FD Rates | FD Rates in all Banks in IndiaFixed Deposit Interest Rates 2024 | Best Bank For Fixed Deposit 2024