CANNIBAL FEROX (1981) Movie Explained in Hindi | Horror Tadka

CANNIBAL FEROX (1981) Movie Explained in Hindi | Horror Tadka

#hindi #roadto100subs #movieexplanation Hello, Horror Fans ❤️ In this video I will explain the 1981 released American Horror-slasher movie "CANNIBAL FEROX" in Hindi. In future videos I will improve my video. Till that I need your help🙏. Thank you. App:- Photo Director Bundle Version (2018) Device:- Realme 7 (6/64gb), Realme Pad(3/32gb) Audio:- Lexis audio Social network presence- Instagram:-   / horrortadka   Facebook:-   / horror-tadka-102108131976200   FB group:- Synopsis of movie:- Three friends set out to disprove cannibalism on a trip to the Amazonian jungle, where they meet two men trying to escape a vicious cannibal tribe. Footages & Images:- Writer & Director:- UMBERTO LENZI Disclaimer:- Footages & Images used in this video are property of original copyright holder. It's an fair use. I used images to communicate with audience. I don't intend to infringed copyright of anyone. Cannibal Ferox Cannibal Ferox Explained In Hindi cannibalism cannibal movie slasher movie horror movie cannibal ferox 1981 movie explained in Hindi