Hello everyone! I sure hope you support this video by giving it a like please! And subscribing if you are new! Today, I have a BRAND NEW Special Quotes & Unique Interactions video for DRAGON BALL: Sparking! Zero! This time, dealing with Dragon Ball Super's Frieza. Credits: 73ven (Black Frieza Mod) Saitsu(Ultra Ego Vegeta) To go into the specifics, I have compiled and edited a video taking into account RoF Frieza & Tournament of Power Frieza! Where he has several unique dialogue and interactions with the cast. Also includes DLC1 Characters! Here are the characters that Frieza has Pre Battle & Post Battle Dialogue with: GT Goku/Super Saiyan 4 Goku Super Saiyan Blue Goku Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta DBS Super Saiyan Broly Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta Orange Piccolo Beast Gohan Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku Final Form Cooler King Cold Zarbon, Dodoria Raditz, Nappa Great Ape Vegeta Beerus God of Destruction Other: Black Frieza Gameplay Skills & Supers Black Frieza Official Reveal & Gameplay NEW RoF Frieza Special Quotes & Unique Interactions NEW ToP Frieza Special Quotes & Unique Interactions New Golden Frieza Special Quotes & Unique Interactions(W/DLC1) Golden Frieza VS Beast Gohan Unique Interactions Golden Frieza VS Orange Piccolo DBS Frieza Special Quotes & Unique Interactions| Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - New Official Reveals & Updates DRAGON BALL: Sparking! Zero - Super Saiyan 3 Mini Goku, SSJ3 Mini Vegeta Golden Frieza is back with his most savage lines and iconic interactions in Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero! 💥 This video showcases DBS Frieza’s Special Quotes & Unique Dialogue against his greatest rivals from Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Daima! From his cocky taunts to his cold-blooded threats, every line is fully voiced and captures Frieza’s evil, prideful, and cunning nature! DBS Frieza Interactions(DBZ-GT): 0:00 RoF- DBS Super Hero(DLC1): 8:28 Black Frieza: 16:28 ⚡ Featured Opponents in This Video: Goku (Ultra Instinct & SSB) – "You still can’t beat me, monkey." Vegeta (SSB Evolution) – "You Saiyans never learn your place." Broly (DBS) – Frieza gets what’s coming after triggering Broly’s rage! Beerus & Whis – Frieza vs. the gods who outclass him! Jiren – The Pride Trooper vs. the Universe 7 tyrant! Cell – Two of Dragon Ball’s greatest villains clash in a war of words! Gohan (Beast) – A brutal reunion with the son of his old enemy! Piccolo (Orange) – Mocking the Namekian who witnessed his downfall! Future Trunks – Frieza never forgets the boy who cut him down! 🚀 Why This Video is a Must-Watch! ✅ All of DBS Frieza’s interactions with heroes & villains in one video! ✅ Includes rare hidden quotes & DLC-exclusive dialogues! ✅ Frieza’s brutal, funny, and iconic lines fully voiced! ✅ Ultra HD Gameplay from Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero! ✅ Exclusive DLC 1 dialogues with Beast Gohan, Orange Piccolo, and Gamma 1! #blackfrieza #dragonballsparkingzero #GoldenFrieza #DBZ #GokuVsFrieza #DBLegends #AnimeGaming #DBZGaming