"왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라"ㅣ운동자극ㅣ동기부여
#크리티컬포인트 #동기부여 #마인드셋 #성공 #명언 #운동자극 #챔피언 #올림픽 #운동동기부여 #운동선수 #할수있다 #긍정확언 진인사대천명[盡人事待天命] "인간으로서 해야 할 일을 다하고 나서 하늘의 뜻을 기다린다" ▶크리티컬 포인트 Critical point ▶구독하기 : ▶Speakers: 박치호ㅣ심권호ㅣ김현우ㅣ김재범ㅣ안한봉ㅣ류한수ㅣ김관욱ㅣ이원희ㅣ김상열ㅣ박상영ㅣ우상혁ㅣ김연아 ▶BGM : ➤FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER 1) This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them) 2) This video is also for teaching purposes 3) It is not transformative in nature 4) I only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary 5) 'Fair use' is interpretable, so if the owner of the content used wants to delete the video, email me ➤E-mail : jangwoojun9762@gmail com