Hogwarts Legacy-Hall of Herodiana Puzzles--Part 13- (FULL GAME)- No Commentary
#HogwartsLegacy #Gameplay #ProductProvidedByWB Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay on PC. This Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay is recorded in 4K 60FPS on PC and will include the full game, all endings and all boss fights. Absconder Encounter is an optional Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy that you'll receive upon speaking to the Aranshire merchant, Edgar Adley. Mr. Adley will explain that his friend Milo was killed by The Absconder and he'll task you with retrieving Milo's heirloom pocket watch from The Absconder's cave. In this Hogwarts Legacy guide, you'll be given directions to The Absconder's cave and you'll learn how to take down the fearsome creature. To unlock this Side Quest, head to the Aranshire Hamlet which is located east of Hogwarts Castle. When you arrive, speak to Mr. Adley at the local vendor stall and you'll be assigned this quest. Before heading out to beat down some spiders, consider equipping the spells Incendio and Confringo. The road to the Absconder's cave is chock full of spiders and they're incredibly susceptible to these fire-based spells. As you make your way north toward the Absconder's cave in the Forbidden Forest, it is highly recommended that you remain on your broom until it is no longer a viable option. The Forbidden Forest can be treacherous and the dozens of enemies roaming the region will be more than happy to take you out before you can reach the Absconder. Once you've made it to the marker shown on the map above, follow the web-lined path to the northwest and defeat all of the spiders along the way. Also, keep an eye out for pods that glow red when highlighted by Revelio. If you get close to these pods, several small spiders will leap out and attack you. Instead of approaching the pods, use Confringo from long-range to quickly destroy the pods and all of the spiders within.As you battle The Absconder, you'll likely notice that all of its attacks are unblockable. Because of this, you'll want to be hypervigilant of the Absconder's moves and prepare to use your dodge roll more than you typically would. While you won't be able to parry any of The Absconder's attacks, the creature will summon small spiders with basic attacks that can be countered. Your best bet is to keep your distance and attack with a combination of damage spells -- fire-based ones, to maximize damage. When The Absconder attacks, it'll often strike tree times in a row. You don't need to have the best timing: simply start rolling and keep spamming roll after the first attack and you'll successfully evade and can counter attack. After defeating The Absconder, walk to the western side of the cave and burn down the web before using Confringo to destroy the three spider pods within. Next, walk toward the chest and you'll find Milo's heirloom pocket watch on the floor. Lastly, return to Aranshire to give the pocket watch to Mr. Adley and you'll have completed this Side Quest! You've also found one of only five quest-based Wand Handles: Soon, you'll reach the Absconder's cave. Hogwarts Legacy Find The Absconder's Cave - Defeat the Absconder GODREDFLASH / @monotos-l8x Twitter= https://x.com/GODREDFLASH