Countdown begins!! AIR 10's 90 days strategy for CA Inter May 25 | Let's crack it!

Countdown begins!! AIR 10's 90 days strategy for CA Inter May 25 | Let's crack it!

In this video, I have shared 90 days strategy for CA Inter May 25. This video outlines a revision plan for CA Inter May 25, mock test strategy for CA Inter May 25, the right method of study for CA Inter May 25, how to study theory subjects, how to do questions practice. This video will also answer how to get rank in CA Inter, how to clear CA Inter both groups in 90 days, how to clear CA Inter both groups in 3 months, subject-wise strategies for CA Inter May 25, how to study each subject of CA Inter which are Adv Accounts, Law, Taxation, Costing, Audit, FM, SM. Anything bothering you: Feel free to reach out to me directly in my telegram group or linkedin Telegram Group: Stay connected for more such guidance, insights and discussion around exams, articleship and more: Connect with me on linkedin:   / pankaj52   Recommended Videos: CA Inter Subject-wise strategies:    • CA Inter Subject-Wise Strategy for Ma...   7 crucial mistakes to avoid during your preparation    • These 7 Mistakes cost students desire...   Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:06 No. of revisions required & why 03:04 The right method of study 04:21 How not to use revision videos 05:10 How to do numerical question practice 09:24 How to do theoretical question practice 10:40 How many mock tests to give 12:34 How to plan for next 90/75/60 days & daily study hours 18:37 Motivation (reason to give your best!!) 21:01 How many subjects to study in a day The video lays down a roadmap for CA Inter (also called CA Intermediate) May 2025, helping students with preparation strategies for all subjects of CA Inter which are Advance accounts, Law Strategy, Taxation, Costing, Auditing and FM SM and help them understand how to get rank in CA Inter. #cainterstrategy #cainter #cainterpreparation #cainterfm #cainteraudit #cainteradvancedaccounts #cainterdt #cainterlaw #caintermotivation