MMI Imperial College Medical School - Interview Tips & Advice (2022)
Hey guys, so cool to see loads of you guys joining the channel 🥹 which is pushing us so close to 1000 SUBSCRIBERS 🎉 ! You all asked for MMI videos and it seems like I've run out of ideas 😂 so here we go, prepare for a bunch of interview based videos! If there's anything specific that you want to know, please drop a comment, dm me on Instagram or send me an email 📲. As always, timestamps are down below - enjoy...and subscribe plzzzz 😏😏 ⏰ Timestamps 0:00 Start 0:47 What is an MMI? 1:55 What can I do to smash the MMI? 3:55 Don't be robotic! 5:15 Revise the medical school! 6:29 Prepare your personal statement? 7:39 Prepare any scientific items! 8:55 Outro + Subscribe! lmk if you guys have questions and drop them in the comments Subscriber goal: 1000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! 📆 BRANDS 🩺 Looking for great MMI resources for FREE? Check out MedMentor: https://medmentor.co.uk/ 🏠 Heading to University and need accommodation? Check out Amber: https://amberstudent.com/places/leads... 🏥 Want to find a place to do Mock MMIs? Check out Medfully : https://medfully.co.uk/ 🔋 SOCIAL MEDIA 📷 Instagram: akshi.kumar7 👻 Snapchat: akshi087 ☕️ Buy me a coffee (Help support the channel!): https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Akshi Cheers! Akshi 😄