The Holy Eucharist: Rite II on The Last Sunday after the Epiphany, March 2, 2025 at 11 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist: Rite II on The Last Sunday after the Epiphany, March 2, 2025 at 11 a.m., at Calvary Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Rev. Bonnie-Marie Yager-Wiggan, Associate Rector, was the preacher. Assisting: The Rev. Jonathon W. Jensen, Rector, The Rev. Cameron J. Soulis, Senior Associate Rector, Geoffrey S. Royce, Deacon, Alan Lewis, Organist. Musical Notes: Warm thanks to Michael Salmon for assisting at the organ this morning; Jon Tyillian is recovering from complications of influenza and will return as soon as he is able to. Craig Phillips (b. 1961) is among the finest and most respected composers of classically-inspired Church-music working in America today. He has been based at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills, California, for more than thirty years, and the music-director there for much of that tenure. His music is marked by what some term “enriched consonance,” a vocabulary indebted both to the Western harmonic tradition and to more recent composers in the post-Impressionist era, such as Howells and Duruflé, whose music made room for a richer tonal palette than had previously been considered suitable for the Church. The Psalm Prelude borrows its title from several of Howells’ organ works, referring to pieces inspired in some way by a particular passage from the Psalms, and intended for use as a liturgical Voluntary (or Prelude). It was published in 2004. The anthem Transfiguration is also from 2004, and sets a text by the thirteenth-century mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg (1207-82). Mechthild spent forty years as a beguine, a category of semi-monastic women religious living under a rule of life but outside the structures of more conventional enclosed communities. She collected her mystical poetic and prose writings in a series of volumes entitled The Flowing Light of the Godhead (1250-64); these writings survived in translations into both Latin and High German from their original Low German form (which is now lost). She passed the final years of her long life in a Cistercian convent. Phillips’ ebullient Trumpet Tune dates from 1994. Visit our website at http://www.calvarypgh.org Download the bulletin for this service at https://www.calvarypgh.org/bulletins-... Visit our YouTube page where you will find an archive of our services, sermons, and classes at / @calvaryepiscopalchurchpitt207