[20231017] Sam Smith - 06. Diamonds | Gloria the Tour Seoul | 4K Stereo Live Cam

[20231017] Sam Smith - 06. Diamonds | Gloria the Tour Seoul | 4K Stereo Live Cam

[20231017] Sam Smith - 06. Diamonds | Gloria the Tour Seoul | 4K Stereo Live Cam ※ This video was recorded in Stereo sound. Listen with headphones or speakers. ▶ Sam Smith - Gloria the Tour in Seoul, Korea | Full Live Fancam ☞    • [20231017] Sam Smith - GLORIA the tou...   ▶ Sam Smith - Gloria the Tour in Seoul, Korea | SET LIST ☞    • 샘 스미스 / SAM SMITH   ========================================== ※ DO NOT RE-EDIT(Delete logos, Resizing, Cropping, etc.) & RE-UPLOADING CONTENTS. ※ 유튜브 공유 기능 외 모든 형식의 재가공과 임의 저장 후 재업로드 금지합니다. ========================================== #samsmith #샘스미스 #gloria #diamonds #내한공연 #샘스미스내한