Skeleton Crew 1x3 - Reaction and Breakdown!
Hey guys! Here is my reaction to episode 3 of Skeleton Crew! Feel free to skip ahead with the Chapters below :) CHAPTERS 0:00 - 0:26 Intro - with a new added pic ;) 0:26 Video starts/pre episode talk 2:25 Reaction starts Review 19:22 initial thoughts 19:58 Jod/Crimson Jack/Captain Silvo (what is real?) 21:43 Not a force user? 23:08 Was THIS a lie? (Which character should be believed?) 24:25 THIS character intro was interesting 25:00 Could THIS character be like Hondo? 25:30 What I would like to see from THESE two characters 26:50 Why I applaud the writers 27:35 Lingering questions/outro Music is original: / missmarch-2 Instagram: @_ahsokatanofan Twitter: @_ahsokatanofan TikTok: @theahsokatanofan No copyright infringement intended! Clips are property of Disney and I believe everything falls under Fair Use :)