What if Issei was Betrayed by Everyone & becomes John Wick | Movie | Au.@elguardian_infinito
What if Issei was Betrayed by Everyone & becomes John Wick Movie issei wick. ¡¡¡TERMINADA!!! by elguardian_infinito Summary :- Have you ever suffered betrayal? Well, I have... I saved them from Kokabial, beast of the apocalypse, that bitch of Rias, from her marriage to Raiser Phoenix and this is how they repay me, they changed me for that Walter, my parents forgot me, they took my last name from me and gave it to him, the only one who didn't betray me was May (Draig Fem) but they took her from me, I don't care what I should or what I will do, but I will get her back, it doesn't matter what methods I have to use, but what is... If they interfere with me, I will kill them, I will kill them all. Fanfic Link :- https://www.wattpad.com/story/2207411... Game :- God of War Ragnarök The gameplay in background is mine. Keywords :- what if issei, issei, issei what if, What if Issei was Betrayed, issei movie, What if Issei was Abused, What if Issei Lost, What if Issei had The Powers, What if Issei Becomes, What if Issei was, What if Issei Became, What if Issei was The Reincarnation, What if Issei was The Bastard Child, What if Issei went back in Time,, What if Issei was Neglected by Everyone, What if Issei was Betrayed Got Unstable, What if Issei was Abandoned by Girls, What if Issei joins Badass Family, What if Issei lost His Beloved, What if Issei was Betrayed by Everyone, What if Issei was Abandoned by Girls, What if Issei & Vali were Brothers, What if Issei Lost Everything, What if Issei was Half Fallen Angel, What if Issei got Teleported, What if Issei becomes Anti-Hero, What if Issei was Abandoned Died, What if Issei was Son of Gabriel, What if Issei was Reincarnation of Goku, What if Issei was Reincarnation of Escanor, What if Issei was Reincarnation of Beerus, What if Issei was Reincarnation of Tony Stark, What if Issei becomes John Wick, What if Issei was Betrayed by Everyone & becomes John Wick Disclaimer •Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. •I do not own anything here; I do not own the song or any of the anime or story used in the video. •The purpose of the video is to convey emotions, feelings and give life to the work by editing the video and adding music with the purpose of transcending that work. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute content that might otherwise be infringing. •All things used in the video are in a public domain. Tags :- #anime #dxd #isseiwhatif #whatif #isseihyoudou #whatifissei #abandoned #whatifisseiwasabandoned #infamous #infamoussecondson #godofwar #godofwarragnarok #kratos #kratosgodofwar #highschooldxdhero #tokyoghoul #highschooldxdxtokyoghoul #werewolf #devilmaycry #devilmaycry5 #dante #multiverseofmadness #pokemon #pokemongo #pokémon #highschooldxdxpokemon #legendarypokemon #genshinimpact #highschooldxdxgenshinimpact #genshinimpactedit #genshinimpactstory #revenge #whatifisseirevenge #halo #haloinfinite #highschooldxdxhalo #whatifisseiwaslefttodead #isseibetrayed #whatifisseiwasimprisoned #isseiimprisoned #whatifisseihaddeathnote #highschooldxdxdeathnote #highschooldxdxdeathnotecrossover #isseibecomesmultiversalsoldier #nagisafurukawa #isseiwasbetrayed #whatifisseiwasotsutsuki #highschooldxdxdragonballz #whatifisseiwasthesonofloki #whatifisseiwasthegrandsonofhades #whatifisseibecomesrockstar #whatifisseibecomesironman #whatifisseiwasGenius #whatifisseibecomesshinkadragon #whatifisseihadlevelingsystem #whatifisseihadghostriderspower #whatifisseiwasabandoned #whatifisseihadthepowersofEvolutionandCopying #whatifisseihadomnitrix #whatifisseiwasben10 #whatifisseiwasreincarnationofmadarauchiha #whatifisseigoestodragonballz #whatifisseigetmeliodaspowers #whatifisseigoestoNarutoworld #whatifisseijoinstrihexa #whatifisseibecomesjohnwick