40 MORE Creative Quick and Easy Crochet Gift Ideas - For Beginners

40 MORE Creative Quick and Easy Crochet Gift Ideas - For Beginners

FREE UNIQUE PATTERNS for crochet gift ideas for beginners to make. most using 1 skein of yarn or less. Easy, quick patterns for everything from accessories to home decor that you can crochet before Christmas or that birthday party you forgot about. TIMESTAMPS AND LINKS: 0:00 Intro 2:25 Mini Hat Ornament - https://easycrochet.com/partner/chris... 2:40 Candy Cane Ornament - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/ca... 3:20 Wreath Ornament - https://desertblossomcrafts.com/croch... 3:35 Candy Ornament - https://www.bhookedcrochet.com/2014/1... 3:55 Rustic Trees - https://megmadewithlove.com/blog-2/20... 4:15 Stockings - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/ji... 4:35 Tree Garland - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/ch... 5:25 Placemats - https://www.purlsoho.com/create/2011/... 6:10 Jewelry Dishes - https://www.purlsoho.com/create/2012/... 6:32 Plant Hanger - https://hearthookhome.com/houseplant-... 7:00 Simple Wall Hanging - https://www.yarnspirations.com/red-he... 7:55 Hexagon Wall Hanging - https://www.whistleandivy.com/boho-he... 8:18 Mountain Wall Hanging - https://www.mamainastitch.com/crochet... 8:35 Flag Banner - https://www.yarnspirations.com/red-he... 9:00 Pom Pom Banner - https://www.yarnspirations.com/red-he... 9:45 Picture Frame - https://www.yarnspirations.com/red-he... 10:55 Rose - https://theloopholefox.com/assorted-c... 11:30Fingerless Gloves - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/mi... 11:42 Beaded Bracelet - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/le... 12:16 Rings - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/cr... 12:55 Beaded Necklaces - https://www.yarnspirations.com/red-he... 13:25 Apple Watch Band - https://www.whistleandivy.com/crochet... 14:05 Earrings - https://desertblossomcrafts.com/quick... 14:40 Simple Bookmark - https://thispixiecreates.com/how-to-c... 14:55 Leaf Bookmark - https://www.tyinganend.com/budding-le... 15:15 Can Cozy - https://sarahmaker.com/crochet-can-cozy/ 15:35 French Press Cozy - https://www.yarnspirations.com/lily-s... 15:55 Bowl Cozy - https://www.windingroadcrochet.com/qu... 16:16 Glasses Case - https://www.kapercrochet.com/free-pat... 16:35 Gift Card Envelope - https://stitchesnscraps.com/free-patt... 17:00 Face Scrubby - https://www.yarncraftee.com/reusable-... 17:30 Back Scrubber - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/ba... 18:25 Sachet - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/si... 18:50 Sleep Mask - https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/sw... 19:10 Doorknob Organizer - https://www.yarnspirations.com/patons... 19:30 Door Bumper - http://www.crochetdynamite.com/2012/0... 20:05 Jewelry Frames - https://stitchdiva.com/collections/fr... 20:40 Phone Case - http://www.ideaivana.com/2015/02/croc... 21:52 Key Fob - https://www.whistleandivy.com/crochet... 22:45 Keychain - https://raffamusadesigns.com/crochet-... Find me here as well: Instagram -   / hobbymothgames   Twitter -   / hobbymothgames   Gaming channel -    / @mothgames2076   Twitch -   / callmemothh   Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/shop/AceOfWandsS...