Walk around Songwol-dong Fairy Tale Village and Chinatown with rain.Incheon South Korea 비와 함께.04.20

Walk around Songwol-dong Fairy Tale Village and Chinatown with rain.Incheon South Korea 비와 함께.04.20

#Sabuzacwalker#SongwoldongFairyTaleVillagen#korea#Incheon#rainsounds ♡Fairy Tale Village and Chinatown Walking with Rain It is a street that has not yet been restored to Corona 19 In a house decorated with colorful trees standing on a vacant ground and decorated in a fairy tale, the main character in the fairy tale is excellent and welcomes you It is 'Songwol-dong Fairy Tale Village' located in Jung-gu, Incheon Songwol-dong is called Solgol or Songsan because it has many pine trees, and the moon seen through the pine forest is called Songwol-dong Since the opening of Incheon Port in 1883, it has been a wealthy village where foreigners including Germans lived, but only the elderly remained where young people left As a result, the number of vacant homes increased and the buildings became old and lost vitality In April 2013, a flower road was created to improve the poor residential environment On the old walls and retaining walls, murals with the theme of world famous paintings were painted Along the alleys, you can meet 11 fairy tales, such as the Wizard of Oz, “Roadway Road”, “Red Hat Road”, “Umji Princess Road”, and “Peter Pan Road” in Peter Pan Sculptures are installed here and there, and the eyes are pleasing ♡ 송월동은 소나무가 많아 솔골 또는 송산으로 불리다 소나무 숲 사이로 보이는 달이 운치가 있다하여 송월동이라 불렀다 1883년 인천항이 개항된 이후 독일인을 비롯한 외국인들이 거주하던 부촌이었으나 젊은 사람들이 떠난 자리엔 대부분 어르신들만이 남았다 때문에 빈집이 늘고 건물도 노후화 돼 활기를 잃었다 2013년 4월, 열악한 주거환경을 개선하기 위해 꽃길을 만들었다 낡은 담과 옹벽에는 세계명작동화를 테마로 한 벽화가 그려졌다 골목길을 따라 오즈의 마법사 ‘도로시의 길’,‘빨간모자 길’, ‘엄지공주 길’, 피터팬 속 ‘요정나라 길’ 등 11개의 동화를 만날 수 있다 여기에 곳곳에 조형물이 설치돼 눈이 즐겁다 ♡Google Maps: ♡ Naver Maps: Incheon China Town is located in Bukseong-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon It is located in the suburbs of Seoul and has good access to the train (Incheon Station) It is the first area of ​​Jjajangmyeon in Korea, and there are many Chinese restaurants and Chinese restaurants around Chinatown Jjajangmyeon has the significance of being born in Chinatown, but since the taste of food is leveled, it has a similar taste, so in Incheon Chinatown, you can eat dumplings and Chinese food, moon cakes, etc In addition, it is Incheon Chinatown with many things to see and eat, such as Donghwa Village and Modernization Street, which are directly adjacent to Chinatown 인천 차이나타운은 인천 중구 북성동에 위치하고 있습니다 서울 근교에 위치함과 전철의 접근성이 좋아(인천역) 주말 나들이 코스로도 좋고, 특히 젊은이들이 많이 찾는 인천의 대표적인 관광지가 되었다 우리나라 최초의 짜장면이 만들어진 지역이며 차이나타운 주변에는 중국음식과 관련된 식당, 중국 음식점이 상당히  많습니다 짜장면은 차이나타운에서 탄생했다는 의의가 있으나  음식맛의 평준화가 이루어져서 비슷한 맛을 내기 때문에 인천 차이나타운에서는 만두집과 중국 명절 음식인 월병등도 먹어보고 또한, 차이나타운과 연계해서 자유공원과 인천 중구청 주변 그리고 차이나타운과 바로 근접해 있는 동화마을, 근대화 거리등 여러가지 볼거리, 먹을거리가 많은 인천 차이나타운입니다