Last of Us: Part 1 Guide on Chapter 5 (The Suburbs)- All Collectibles

Last of Us: Part 1 Guide on Chapter 5 (The Suburbs)- All Collectibles

The Last of Us: Part 1 Walkthrough includes Chapter 5 (The Suburbs) This Walkthrough will guide you to complete the platinum. Will Play “Last of Us: Part 1” first then finish with “Left Behind” This guide will show where all the collectibles can be found with time stamps for each collectible. Collectibles This Episode: 4 Artifacts, 3 Optional Dialogues, 1 Joke, 1 Workbench, 1 Training Manual, 1 Safe, 1 Comic, 1 Firefly Pendant Subscribe:    / @middleagedgamer2552   The Last of Us: Part 1 Remake is a third-person survival game developed by Naughty Dog and released by Sony Interactive, about a plague that withered mankind to only the lucky few that have survived. With numbers going down in society, this caused nature to creep into the rest of mankind. This has forced survivors to hunt for food and create weapons out of everyday items. The main characters are Joel, a survivor with a tragic backstory and Ellie, a young teenager who has experienced things only adults have seen. These two must come together and help each other out as they travel west in the United States. These two will encounter different types of enemies that include Infected, Military and Scavengers Gameplay was captured on PlayStation 5 #lastofus #walkthrough #ps5 #guide Time Stamps 0:00-0:45 Getting into Town 0:46-1:17 Artifact #1 1:18-2:40 Working Our Way Through Houses 2:41-3:09 Henry’s Story (Required for Joke) 3:10-3:50 Optional Dialogue #1 (Required for Joke) 3:51-4:52 Talking About Life Before the Virus 4:53-5:09 Optional Dialogue #2 (Required for Joke) 5:10-6:08 Firefly Conversation (Required for Joke) 6:09-7:20 Joke #1 7:21-9:50 Working Around the Town 9:51-11:59 Workbench #1 12:00-12:19 Searching for Tools 12:20-12:30 Artifact #2 12:31-13:33 Training Manual #1 13:34-15:22 Artifact #3 15:23-17:19 Looking Around 17:20-17:43 Safe #1 (Last Safe: Trophy) 17:44-18:58 Looking for More Supplies 18:59-19:08 Comic #1 19:09-19:36 Artifact #4 19:37-21:08 Optional Dialogue #3 21:09-22:14 Firefly Pendant #1 (Matthew White) 22:15-38:06 Getting Through Town, Sniper, and Stalkers 38:07-45:06 Goodbye Sam and Henry