Why This is The #1 Investment Portfolio of All Time
Why This is The #1 Investment Portfolio of All Time I wanted to get to the bottom of which portfolio strategy is the most ideal for building wealth in the long-term. So I tested nine of the most popular investment portfolios to see which one has performed the best, historically. And let me tell you: the answer will probably surprise you. So watch until the end to see how these portfolios compare. For all of the following portfolios, I will be looking at an investment timeframe from 1985 to 2023, and I will assume an initial investment of $10,000, as well as a monthly contribution of $500 for the entire investment period. I know most of us want to see the figures in pounds, but I am using dollars because the platform that I will be using doesn’t have other currencies built in. Disclaimer: The information shared in this video does NOT constitute financial advice! Please seek advice from a registered professional before making any financial decisions! ______________________________________________ Investing Apps: 📊Freetrade - Get a free share worth up to £200: https://magic.freetrade.io/join/mariu... Let's connect: 📷Instagram:   / hookedonfinance Â