7 Piriformis Syndrome Tips to Get FAST Relief (No Exercises or Stretches)
👉 Discover the most effective corrective exercises to help you recover from piriformis syndrome and hip pain inside this free sample plan: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/fre... I have 7 great tips to help you get quick relief from piriformis syndrome without stretching or doing exercises. 👉Piriformis Control program: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/pir... When I was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome, I spent several years trying to get relief and fix the pain, only to make it worse. I tried to do a ton of stretches, exercises, lots of treatments, or deep tissue release for the piriformis muscle, and nothing seemed to work. 👉 TUTORIALS MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO: QL muscle releaseS: • Effective Quadratus Lumborum Pain Rel... QL muscles stretches: • 3 Effective Quadratus Lumborum Stretc... Psoas stretches: • 7 Amazing Stretches To Release The Ps... TFL release and stretches: • 3 Effective TFL Stretches (Tensor Fas... The Piriformis Muscle: The piriformis muscle originates from the anterior sacrum, S2-S4, and sacroiliac joint, passing transversely through the greater sciatic foramen and inserting into the greater tr cantor. So it is a very important hip stabilizer. The piriformis muscle passes through that foramen and occupies most of its volume. This is why piriformis syndrome can also cause sciatica. The sciatic nerve passes below the piriformis muscle for most of the population. And in the case of piriformis syndrome, the muscle shortens, becomes overactive, and tight and sometimes it exerts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Causes of Piriformis Syndrome: Piriformis syndrome can have many causes, from bad posture and flawed movement patterns that cause imbalances. Sciatica vs. Piriformis Syndrome: Sciatica is different from piriformis syndrome. Even though piriformis syndrome can also have symptoms that include sciatica because the muscle will irritate the nerve. However, sciatica has different causes which are related to disc compression or disc issues such as disc herniation or disc bulge. Piriformis syndrome pain is mostly very local to the buttocks, and it's usually on the side of the glutes. It feels like a deep buttock pain. Piriformis, sciatica stretches and mobility exercises playlist: • Piriformis and Glute Stretches and Mo... Healing piriformis and lower back pain playlist: • Find The Cause of Your Back Pain, Pir... PROGRAMS: ▶Piriformis Control: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/pir... ▶Piriformis Stretching Guide: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/pir... ▶Back Pain Control: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/joi... ▶Trapezius Control: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/tra... ✮CHANNEL INFORMATION Coach Sofia helps women and men fix lower back pain, piriformis syndrome, and muscle pain through corrective strengthening exercise, nutrition and mindset. Coach Sofia is a certified strength coach, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist, and someone who conquered chronic pain herself after being diagnosed in 2011 with piriformis syndrome, an L5/S1 herniation, and ankylosing spondylitis. She shares everything that helped her heal and get her life back on her blog and this channel. ✮FITNESS AND HEALTH DISCLAIMER While I create and design every workout and routine, I am physically not present to coach you through the workout, fix your form, or assess your fitness level and health history. Before acting on any information, exercise routine, or nutrition advice on this channel or blog, you should consult your physician first. If you have a medical condition, including physical injuries, and/or your physician advises against it, do not engage in any exercise routine or training advice on coach sofia fitness channel or site. If you agree to use, and act on any information on this website, you accept to use it at your own risk. All information, workouts, and nutrition information are not intended to substitute medical and/or health advice or to treat an illness or health condition.