Your #NATURALAQUARIUM cannot #cycle until fish are in it. Put a few small fish in your tank as soon as it is set up. BUT only feed the fish with VERY tiny amounts. #FATHERFISH explains how to #cycle your tank right away. Our #FFRESEARCHTEAM is hard at work studying the science of the #FATHERFISH method. You may participate in this great endeavor to free the hobbyist from slavery to equipment, supplies, medications, and other expensive paraphernalia. BECOME A SPONSOR ON PATREON TODAY BY MAKING A DONATION TO THE RESEARCH PROJECT on DISCORD. Your donation will give you access to a wealth of information and advice as well as the opportunity to share with scientists and researchers who are working on issues of importance to us. BECOME A PATREON SPONSOR TODAY: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=254781... 24/7 live on Discord: / discord This is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need. Join us at Father Fish Server on DISCORD - FATHER FISH SHOAL-KEEP IT DIRTED T-SHIRT : https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com/ FATHER FISH T-SHIRT : https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com FATHER FISH STORE ON LINE!!!! : https://father-fish-aquarium.myshopif... FATHER FISH SHOAL-KEEP IT DIRTED T-SHIRT : https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com/ FIND US ON GETGILLS.COM #FATHERFISH #deepsubstratetank #naturalaquarium #foodweb #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #fishtube #fishtank #fishkeeping #dirtdtank #walstad #fishfood #deepsubstrateaquarium #leavesinaquarium #balancedaquarium #selfsustainingaquarium #healthyaquarium #feedfishnaturally #livefoodforfish #livefishfood #sandsubstrate #deepsubstrate #naturalsubstrate #naturalfishkeeping