My Husband Constantly Accuses Me Of Cheating And Lying | Paul Friedman
We're going to approach this very differently from say your typical psychologist because the psychologists what they like to do, and I don't blame them. I mean they have an agenda of keeping clients so that they can make long-term money. And so what they'll do is they'll do something that is impossible to gain any results from. They will start getting into, "What's wrong with your husband?" How's that going to help you? How's that going to help you a) stabilize your marriage because clearly, your marriage isn't great or that would not be happening. See not the other way around not that this is making your marriage unhappy but your unhappy marriage is allowing this particular symptom to bloom and we want to deal with that. At The Marriage Foundation, our methodology is all geared towards having happiness and experiencing love. We don't get into the problem as a problem and call people narcissists and label them and accuse them that's what your husband's doing to you. How does that feel? It's not cool. And by the way, we're on that topic of learning. ------- Join our mailing list and get our Top 10 Do's and Don'ts for Marriage: http://gotmf.org/top10 Ask a TMF counselor about your situation, free: http://gotmf.org/aac 12 Week Marriage System: Men & Women's courses: http://gotmf.org/system Watch Paul talk about the system: • 12 Week Marriage Saving System & Onli... Paul's Books: Breaking The Cycle http://gotmf.org/btc Lessons for a Happy Marriage http://gotmf.org/lfhm Follow Us: Twitter: / marriagefdn Pinterest: / themarriagefoundation All other information about TMF: https://themarriagefoundation.org ------- #communicationskills #communication #marriageproblems #frustratedwoman #frustrated #unhappywife