Verse Of The Day | Habakkuk 3:2 | Remembering God's Mighty Works | August 18, 2024

Verse Of The Day | Habakkuk 3:2 | Remembering God's Mighty Works | August 18, 2024

"A Powerful Cry For Revival": In this video, we explore the profound message of Habakkuk 3:2 and its relevance to our lives today. Habakkuk’s prayer is a powerful cry for revival, asking God to repeat His mighty deeds in a time of uncertainty. As the prophet reflects on God’s past works, he also prays for mercy amidst judgment. Join us as we dive deep into this verse, uncover its background context, and learn how we too can pray for God’s intervention in our world. Bible Verse: "Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy." YOUTUBE CHANNEL :    / @blessedbyhisword   "Blessed By His Word" is a YouTube channel that focuses on spreading the word of Christ and providing spiritual guidance to its viewers. Please "Subscribe" and "Click on the Bell” icon to be notified for our daily bible verses and daily devotional videos. Please share this video with everyone you want to be "Blessed By His Word" today. Thank you. #verseoftheday #bibleverse #dailydevotional #prayer #spiritual #dailyprayer #bible #todaysverse #bibleverses #morningprayers #eveningprayer #dailydevotion #bibleversesforstrength #bibleverseforpeaceofmind #scripture #verse #dailybiblereading2024 #verses #BibleStudy #Habakkuk #RevivalPrayer #GodsMercy #BibleStudy #ChristianFaith -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- verse of the day, morning prayer, bible, prayers, daily bible study, our daily bread, daily devotional, word of the day, daily bible reading 2024, verse of the day 2024 bible verses, blessed by his word, today's verse, bible verse of the day, daily bible reading, god's word today, morning devotion, devotional, god's word, scriptures, Habakkuk 3:2, Habakkuk 3 2, Remembering God's Mighty Works, Repet them in our day, in wrath remember mercy, A Powerful Cry For Revival