SHADIC VS NAZDOOM PT1 (Stick Nodes Animation)

SHADIC VS NAZDOOM PT1 (Stick Nodes Animation)

After about 8 months of work, and collaborating with creators, PT1 is finally out! A continuation of a video I uploaded 8 months ago, Sonic VS Seelkadoom PT3. Now, I do think some scenes could have been better, mine included. But, I'm really happy with the result! When part 2 eventually releases, it's sure to be a spectacle!! Also during the 8 months, I gained hundreds of new subscribers, so thank you all so much for the support, and for helping us reach 1K Subscribers! Now technically, with this continuing part 1-3 of Sonic vs Seelkadoom, and it hopefully having three parts/stages as well, when all is said and done the whole thing would be like 6 stages of animation/parts. Just something about this project I wanted to share. Hope you enjoy the animation! Animators: @The Gonic Fan (He has left Youtube at the time of this video, hope you has success in future endeavors!) ‪@HighEndHyen‬ (Did 5 of the scenes in PT1, which is a LOT. Great job!) ‪@Inter_editzc‬ (When I made the credits, he was called KJ Anims) ‪@lmaolol69420‬ (Made some sick combos in the video!) ‪@RaiginAnimator‬(He made my personal favorite scenes in PT1! The space SSG VS Nazdoom fight was hype!!) ‪@heeckerjr.2019‬(Used Darkspine Shadic very well!) ‪@SillyQ-220‬(Good job!) ‪@TwoMuchSquorzel‬(He is me, and I am him.... right?) ‪@Kaizann970‬ (When I made the credits, Kizan Anims hadn't made any scenes yet so I forgot, but his parts were incredible!!) ‪@Ohh.ItsVERYpersonalnow‬(Wasn't really part of the video, but I used a funny 2 second clip he made about it so I'm giving credit, it's really cool!) Thanks to ‪@Cosmix7463‬ for making Frontiers Sonic VS Sonic Black, which is how I found out about ‪@AZALI00013‬ and their great music! Songs (In Order) Twin Engines - Jeremy Korpas BATTLE IN AN ICE TEMPLE THAT I TOTALLY KNOW HOW TO ESCAPE - Azali boss battle against jazz theory's learning curve - Azali i tried making meowsynth sound more like a human singer - Azali CHAOS CONSTRUCT - Azali MECHANICAL GOD - Azali Rhea Island - SEGA - Tomoya Ohtani - Takahito Eguchi (One of my favorite sonic songs from Sonic Frontiers, my favorite sonic game) Thanks for reading! (if you did) TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - 1:03 | Squorzel 1:03 - 1:15 | Kizan Anims 1:16 - 1:19 | Squorzel 1:19 - 1:22 | Rey Anims/Heecker.Jr 1:22 - 1:27 | Squorzel 1:28 - 1:29 | Kizan Anims 1:29 - 2:00 | TheGonicFan 2:00 - 3:04 | UltraSonicAnims 3:04 - 3:15 | Kizan Anims 3:15 - 3:26 | Squorzel 3:26 - 3:35 | Catto Anims 3:35 - 3:56 | UltraSonicAnims 3:56 - 3:57 | ARCH. 3:57 - 4:30 | UltraSonicAnims 4:30 - 4:31 | Kokushidow 4:31 - 4:53 | SonicLegendZ 4:53 - 5:36 | TheGonicFan 5:36 - 6:48 | RaiginYT 6:48 - 8:16 | Squorzel :)