Today's Youth Lost❓️No‼️ #Revival by #HolySpirit🕊 Billy Graham Short Clips

Today's Youth Lost❓️No‼️ #Revival by #HolySpirit🕊 Billy Graham Short Clips

#BillyGraham #Revival #HolySpirit In this Billy Graham sermon short, the Evangelist Billy Graham exhorts that in these increasingly wicked #LastDays that the Lord does not desire that any should perish, but that all come to repentance! The Holy Ghost is working in the hearts 💕 and minds of everyone: young, old, whoever you are. Will you respond to the work of God's Holy Spirit in bringing you to Jesus Christ? Evangelists like Billy Graham proclaim the truth and they ask the all important question: Have you come to the Cross of Jesus Christ in repentance for the washing away of your sins? ▬ LEARN MORE ABOUT KNOWING GOD To speak by telephone with someone at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) about how you can know God, through Jesus Christ, you may call the Billy Graham Prayer Line, at: 888-388-2683 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). ▬ Next Billy Graham: Brandon Beckham Evangelist Brandon Beckham hosts the "Hour for Decision," dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more at: #EvangelistBillyGraham #EvangelistBrandonBeckham #BrandonBeckham #NextBillyGraham #HourOfDecision #HourForDecision #BillyGrahamSermons #SpiritualRevival #BillyGrahamEvangelisticAssociation #BillyGrahamMotivation #JesusChrist #JesusCristo #TheCross #CrossOfGod #Cristo #Jesus #JesusSaves #JesusIsLord #JesusLovesYou #JesusMessage #DailyDevotional #Devotional #DailyDevotion #DailyDevotions #Love #TheGospel #MessageForToday #MessageFromGod #LastDays #EndTimes #Prophecy #Supernatural #GraceOfGod #GraceOfJesus #LoveOfGod #GodHeals #God #GodsLove #GodIsGood #Resurrection #Christian #Christianity #ChristianEncouragment #ChristianMinistries #Salvation #Salvation_Eternal_Life