5 BEST PRIMAL MOVES FOR MEN | Primal Exercises for Muscle & Health
FREE Report - The 7 Worst Testosterone Killers http://www.criticalbench.com/7worst The way you move determines the way you look. If you're only moving in certain ways, particular movement patterns that are habitual, you're body is going to look and feel a certain way. And for men, if you're NOT doing the most basic, primal movements, you're never going to tap into your full potential for muscular strength, size and overall performance! Coach Brian Klepacki along with our guest from Guerrillazen Fitness, Blake Bowman, discuss these primal exercises for men and how crucial these are for full muscular potential. Being more conscious of the daily activity and movement patterns in our lives is the key to long term health, hormone response and ability to building and maintaining muscle. So become very familiar with the 5 best primal movements for men (actually 6 since we added a bonus one.. LOL). Here are the 5/6 Best Primal Moves for MEN Squats, Squatting - all varieites Pull, Pulling - rows, deadlifts, pull ups Push, Pushing - chest press, overhead press Rotation, Rotational exercises - twisting of the spine Explosive - plyometrics, sprints, moving fast and explosively BONUS - Heavy Carries - all kinds, low, mid and high position Thank you for watching the Critical Bench YouTube channel. Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe to this channel for more amazing content and leave us a comment or question below. We'd love to help you on your fitness journey! #primalmovements #buildmuscles #bestexercisesformen #menshealth #testosterone #lowtestosterone #testosteronelevels #boosttestosteronelevels #compoundexercises #musclecontraction #healthyliving #exercises #plyometrics #criticalbench #guerrillazenfitness