My Vining Plants: Philodendron, Epipremnum, Maranta, Chain of Hearts, Hoya Carnosa, Scindapsus, Ivy
In this video I am showing such fantastic vining plants as Epipremnum aureum (Golden Pothos), Ceropegia (Chain of Hearts), Hoya Carnosa Tricolor (Wax Plant), Epipremnum Scindapsus (Happy Leaf), Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator Tricolor (Prayer Plant), Philodendron scandens Brasil (Heartleaf philodendron), Scindapsus pictus (Silvery Ann), Hedera helix (English Ivy). I hope you can feel my excitement about the astonishing green presence these plants give to a house. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:22 Epipremnum aureum (Golden Pothos) 2:41 Ceropegia (Chain of Hearts) 4:42 Hoya Carnosa Tricolor (Wax Plant) 7:26 Epipremnum Scindapsus (Happy Leaf) 11:50 Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator Tricolor (Prayer Plant) 15:01 Philodendron scandens Brasil (Heartleaf philodendron) 18:25 Scindapsus pictus (Silvery Ann) 21:14 Hedera helix (English Ivy)