खाना खाने के बाद भी पेट मे खालीपन लगता है तो ये Homoeopathic Medicine ले सकते#Shorts #youtubeshorts

खाना खाने के बाद भी पेट मे खालीपन लगता है तो ये Homoeopathic Medicine ले सकते#Shorts #youtubeshorts

================================================ Dr.Bhavesh BIsen(Homoeopathic Physician & Nutritionist M.D(Hom.)(Medicine),,MSc Dietetics,PG In Applied Psychology,CNCC,CDCW,DOT(Mumbai) This is dr. Bhavesh Bisen. I am a family homoeopathic physician and nutritionist in Bhopal, india.In my channel try to share my clinical experience about homoeopathy and also discuss different nutrients and disease related diets.I am a student of writing. I try to write short.I consider myself a teacher and educator. I currently teach at the homoeopathic college and also see private patients since 12 years. ==================================================== 1st Option For Homoeopathic Consultation Book your appointment on Whatsapp For Homoeopathic And Nutritional Consultation. (डॉ. भावेश बिसेन से होम्योपैथिक और पोषण संबंधी परामर्श के लिए अपनी नियुक्ति व्हाट्सप्प पे बुक करें] Whatsapp No - 8989771784 [NOTE: DIRECT CALL FACILITY ON THIS NO IS NOT ALLOWED} [इस नंबर पर कॉल की सुविधा उपलब्ध नहीं है ] अपॉइंटमेंट, केवल फीस जमा करने पर ही दिए जाते हैं ======================================================= 2nd Option Homoeopathic Consultation Call me @ CallMe4 App ID - DrBhaveshBisen@cm4 (Download link- https://goo.gl/vf1rKY) अपॉइंटमेंट, केवल फीस जमा करने पर ही दिए जाते हैं ====================================================== For Business Contact: [email protected] ======================================================= Social Platforms: Website: http://drbhaveshbisen.likhopao.com/ Website: https://drbhaveshbisen.business.site/ Facebook :   / drbhavesh.bisen   Facebook Page (Homoeopathy And Nutrition):   / drbhaveshkumarbisen   Instagram:   / drbhaveshbisen   Twitter:   / drbhaveshbisen1   Linkdin:   / dr-bhavesh-bisen-b6626b36   ========================================================== Disclaimer: Please remember that medical information and information about nutrients provided by myself, must be considered an educational service only. Do not take this information as an substitute. They cannot be used to make a diagnosis or treat any health condition.This channel doesn't take any responsibility for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages, any harm, side-effect, illness and health problems caused due to use of our video content or any content available on this channel.which is provided as is, and without warranties. =================================================================== अगर आप को यह विडियो पसंद आया तो कृपया लाइक करें और अगर आप कुछ कहना या पूछना चाहते है तो कृपया नीचे दिए गए कमेंट बॉक्स में लिखें धन्यवाद ! I hope that any information I give you will help to keep your health healthy. #Pulsatila200#Pulsatila30Homoeopathicmedicine #HomoeopathicMedicine #Homoeopathy #shorts #youtubeshorts #DrBhaveshBisen