M. A. English Paper & Sem - 1st (Chaucer to Marlowe) Very Short, rmlau Ayodhya

M. A. English Paper & Sem - 1st (Chaucer to Marlowe) Very Short, rmlau Ayodhya

M. A. English Paper & Sem - 1st rmlau Ayodhya #rmlauexam #rmlaubedimportantquestion #rmlau_news National Education Policy- 2020 Common Minimum Syllabus for all U.P. State Universities/Colleges M.A. (I Semester) : English Paper-1: Chaucer to Marlowe SYLLABUS Core Paper I - Chaucer to Marlowe Unit-I. (Prose) Francis Bacon: Of Ambition, Of Revenge, Of Great Place. Unit-II. (Poetry) Geoffrey Chaucer The General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene (Book I Canto 1) Unit-III. (Elizabethan Comedy) John Lyly Endymion Ben Jonson: The Alchemist Unit-IV. (Elizabethan Tragedy) Thomas Kyd The Spanish Tragedy Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus