❌ Stop Saying I‘M FINE THANKS! 10 Alternatives to Sounds More Native

❌ Stop Saying I‘M FINE THANKS! 10 Alternatives to Sounds More Native

In this British English vocabulary lesson you will learn how to reply to HOW ARE YOU in English. You will learn 10 native alternatives so that you can finally stop saying "I'm fine thanks, how are you?"... 🇬🇧 [GET DAILY LESSONS FROM ME] 🚀 Are you a busy person and currently stuck at the “Intermediate barrier”? In my DAILY QUICK FIX course, I personally give you daily lessons via What's App that will help you finally speak Advanced English. ➡️ SIGN UP: http://daily.englishquickfix.com ➡️ COUPON CODE: YOUTUBE (30% OFF your first month) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 📕 16 STEPS TO SPEAK ADVANCED ENGLISH [FREE BOOK] » http://book.englishquickfix.com/ 🚀 ENGLISH QUICK FIX: HABLA INGLÉS AVANZADO EN 30 DíAS » http://www.englishquickfix.com 📲 JOIN MY WHAT'S APP GROUP » http://daily.englishquickfix.com 💬 MY BUSINESS: ONLINE LANGUAGE ACADEMY » http://www.OnlineLanguageAcademy.com ☕️ SUPPORT ENGLISH WITH GREG » https://ko-fi.com/englishgreg When I ask my students How Are You, they always give me the same answer: I’m fine thanks how are you? (Arghhh… stop saying I’m fine thank you!) The reality is that we don’t really say I’m fine or I’m fine thanks in English too much anymore. Yes, the textbooks tell you to say I’m fine thank you, but in reality, there are so many better alternatives to ‘How Are You’ in English. In this lesson you will learn some of these answers to how are you, and 10 more native and creative ways to respond to how are you so you can finally stop saying Im fine thanks how are you? If you liked this lesson on how to stop saying I'm fine thanks, how are you, watch these other videos to learn English vocabulary and native English expressions: 🔝 DON'T SAY "WHAT":    • ❌ Don't Say "WHAT?"... 10 Expressions...   🔝 DON'T SAY "GIVE ME":    • Don’t say GIVE ME | Speak English Pol...   🔝 DON'T SAY "VERY":    • 21 Ways to Avoid the Word VERY | Adva...   🔝 DON'T SAY "GOOD":    • ❌ Stop Saying "GOOD" in English!! | U...   Watch these videos to learn more Advanced English with my lessons: 🤔 WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN….. AND…..?    • 🤔 The Most Confusing Pairs of Words i...   🔗 CONNECTED SPEECH | SPEAK ENGLISH WITH A BRITISH ACCENT    • 🔗 How To Use British English Connecte...   🤓 LEARN ADVANCED ENGLISH GRAMMAR    • 💯 Advanced English Grammar Lessons   🇬🇧 LEARN ADVANCED ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION    • 🇬🇧 Best British English Pronunciation...   📚 LEARN ADVANCED ENGLISH VOCABULARY    • 📈 Learn Advanced English Vocabulary   🔕 SILENT LETTERS IN ENGLISH    • 🔕 Don't Say These SILENT LETTERS in E...   🇪🇸 ENGLISH LESSONS FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS    • 🇬🇧🇪🇸 English lessons for Spanish Spea...   😎 HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH – MY BEST ADVICE    • 👍 Advice for Learning English   Thanks, as always, for your LIKES, COMMENTS and SHARES!! 🙏 🔴 Remember to SUBSCRIBE to English with Greg to learn English with me and speak Advanced English! Speak soon! 😀 Your British English Teacher, ~ Greg #EnglishVocabulary #LearnEnglish #BritishEnglish #AdvancedEnglish #ESL