"Daily Devotional Teaching with Apostle Dr. Arthur L. Weathersby for 09/01/23"
Founder: YESHUA MESSIAH INTERNATIONAL DISCIPLE TRAINING CENTER [Matthew 28:19-20] --- Wilmington, Delaware Arthur L. Weathersby Ministries International [Psalm 37:23 & 119:105, Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 62:12b & 1 Timothy 1:12] Arthur L. Weathersby Management Group International [Proverbs 18:16] Fishers of Men International Alliance [Matthew 4:19] Member: Cornerstone Fellowship Baptist Church, Wilmington, DE --- Founder/Pastor: Rev Dr. Donald E. Dunnigan Sr. & 1st Lady Regina Dunnigan Network Faith Evangelism Association Worldwide, Nassau New Providence Bahamas --- Founder/Sr. Apostle Derrick Knowles & Chairperson Bishop Gwen Greenslade Sound The Alarm Ministries [Joel 2:1] -- Founded by: Pastor Dr. Sherry O. Weathersby, D.D. -- Prayer Warrior/Intercessor Our Daily Bread -- Contributing Author: WINN COLLIER -- Scripture: JOHN 16:25-33 --- Key Verse: JOHN 16:33 ---Lesson/Topic/Theme/Subject: "GOD'S EPIC STORY" #RIZE2DAOCCASIONDODATHANGINDALORD #WEDODATHANGINDALORD #IDODATHANGINDALORD CashApp:$BrotherFaithful email: [email protected] website: www.drarthurlweathersby.com