The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part 7 It's a trap! - Episode 2 Starved For Help

The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part 7 It's a trap! - Episode 2 Starved For Help

This is a walkthrough / lets play of The Walking Dead episode 1, A New Day. This game is based off the TV series but does NOT require you to have watched the TV show to understand. Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Part 1:    • The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - [Par...   Part 2:    • The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part...   Part 3:    • The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part...   Part 4:    • The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part...   Part 5:    • The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part...   Part 6:    • The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part...   Part 7:    • The Walking Dead - Walkthrough - Part...