This product will accidentally kill your new grass seed! #lawnrenovation #overseeding #shorts
In this #shorts video, Matt explained the pros and cons of the Scott's Turf Builder Weed and Feed Products. Matt emphasized that the product is really good but it prevents the #seeds from germinating on your #lawn. Matt told that we should use a liquid #weedcontrol instead of that product. In Greens's Lawncare & Property Services, we give the best quality services and we value all of our customers. For more tips and hacks, you can follow us on our social media accounts below. TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/3OpE9Bx FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/44Itvf6 INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/43EAjZM To avail our lawn care services, just give us a call at 317-748-3153 or visit us online at https://www.greenslcps.com/lawn-care/ and get a quote now!