RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT in Korean 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다
One thing to remember is that Red Light, Green Light is NOT a literal translation of 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 MOO•GOONG•WHA•KO•CHI•PIH•UH•SEUM•NI•DHA ( To be clear, the actual translation of RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT is 빨간불 PAHL•GAHN•BOOHL, 파란불 PAH•RAHN•BOOHL This means traffic lights to Korean people However, in Squid Game it was translated as RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT because many western people are familiar with it for a game, as Korean people are familiar with 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 MOO•GOONG•WHA•KO•CHI•PIH•UH•SEUM•NI•DHA for the same rule and manner of the game In Squid Game - 오징어 OH•JING•UH Game - on Netflix, the 첫번째 CHUT•BUHN•JAEH (first) game was Red Light, Green Light If you listen, there is a little tune, you need to have this tune when you play the game The literal translation (direct meaning) is Rose of Sharon Flowers Bloomed Here is the breakdown of what it means and how it sounds: 무궁화 MOO•GOONG•WHA (Rose of Sharon - ㅁ M/ ㅜ OOH/ ㄱ G/ ㅜ OOH / ㅇ NG/ ㅎ H / ㅘ WA/ 꽃이 KO•CHI (Flowers) ㄲ K/ ㅗ OH/ ㅊ CH/ 이 EEH/ 피었습니다 PIH•UH•SEUM•NI•DHA (Bloomed) ㅍ P/ ㅣEEH / 어 UH/ ㅆ S / ㅅ S/ ㅡEUH/ ㅂ B/ ㄴ N/ㅣEEH/ ㄷ D/ ㅏ AH/ If you want to hear the fast speed version, watch this video: Almost all countries have this game Sweden by EG JS - en två tre ost (1 2 3 cheese) Sweden by Ash The Trash - Rött ljus, grönt ljud (Red light, green sound) France by Sabrina K - Un, deux trois, soleil (1 2 3 sun) Indonesia by Vedlyn Natharez - Serigala dan Domba (Wolf and Sheep) Mizoram, India by fibroman musc - L-O-N-D-O-N (slowly) London (fast) North America - Red Light, Green Light Korean Vocabulary / 한국어 발음 / 한국어 단어 / 한국말 공부 Say It Like Native Korean as in Squid Game